Illustrating how a family used Medicaid to pay for the costs of long-term care:

The Smith Family, John's Journey to Medicaid Assistance for Long-Term Care


The Smith family consists of John and Mary Smith, both in their mid-70s, and their adult children, Lisa and David. John had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and his condition had deteriorated to the point where he needed constant care. The family had modest savings but was concerned about how to afford the high cost of nursing home care.


The Smiths were aware that the cost of nursing home care in their area was substantial, and they needed a way to pay for John's long-term care without depleting their savings entirely.

1. Asset Evaluation: We reviewed the Smiths' financial situation, including their income, savings, and assets. They assessed which assets were countable and non-countable for Medicaid purposes.

2. Asset Protection: We advised the Smiths on protecting their assets. They helped the family restructure their finances to meet Medicaid's asset limits. Non-exempt assets were preserved, ensuring they would not be counted against John's Medicaid eligibility.

3. Spousal Protections: We ensured that Mary, the well spouse, retained her fair share of the couple's assets. Medicaid guidelines allowed her to keep a portion of their assets, ensuring her financial stability.

4. Income Planning: We helped the family address John's income, ensuring that it met Medicaid's income limits. We set up a Qualified Income Trust (QIT) to manage his income and make it compliant with Medicaid rules.

5. Application and Approval: With our guidance, the Smiths prepared a Medicaid application, providing all the necessary documentation. We helped them address any potential issues that might arise during the application process. We applied for benefits and John was approved.


The Smiths were aware that the cost of nursing home care in their area was substantial, and they needed a way to pay for John's long-term care without depleting their savings entirely.


Thanks to proper Medicaid planning, the Smith family successfully qualified for Medicaid benefits to pay for John's nursing home care. This financial relief eased their concerns about depleting their savings, ensuring John received the care he needed. The family maintained their assets for the well-being of Mary and their heirs, and they were able to focus on providing support and care to John during his challenging journey with Alzheimer's disease.

Lessons Learned:

This case study demonstrates the importance of seeking professional advice and assistance when planning for long-term care and Medicaid eligibility. The family's proactive approach to Medicaid planning allowed them to navigate the complexities of the Medicaid system while preserving their financial well-being and ensuring the best possible care for their loved one.